The world’s first ever ‘digital disarmament collectible’, minted by PATH Collective to mark the Amnesia Atomica / ZERO NUKES festival in Times Square, New York City.

In May 2022, PATH Collective took part in the Amnesia Atomica / ZERO NUKES festival in Times Square, in collaboration with Mexican Artist Pedro Reyes and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

In support of the festival, PATH minted the world’s first ever ‘digital disarmament collectible’ (above), offering it free to passers-by and participants to mark their attendance at the event.

The digital collectible served to highlight ongoing nuclear threats and to show how Web3 tech can play a positive role in building community to confront them, if it is developed in a pro-social way.

Guided by our goal of using creative arts to amplify humanitarian approaches to the inhumanity of nuclear weapons, PATH also worked with the multi-talented Rives Matson, creating a site-specific poster to honor the work of participating organizations.

Amnesia Atomica highlighted efforts to address nuclear threats and harms, including the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans nuclear weapons, recognizes the  humanitarian harms they have caused around the world and continue to cause, and requires member countries to support communities and ecosystems impacted by nuclear harms.